How many people have inventions that they would love to bring to market, but are unsure of where to start. They may not know the steps needed in order to make their idea a reality, or what it takes to launch a company. Here are six things you should do if you want to turn your invention into a product!
1) Patent Your Invention
Having a patent for your invention is the first step towards making it a reality. A simple way to think about patents is that they are like passwords on your product idea - anyone who uses your patented idea without permission is infringing upon your patent and could be held liable in court! In order to do that, you'll need an attorney who specializes in patent law. You can find one if you follow this link or if you search at your local state bar association! Only this way can you make sure that your idea is protected and that you're the only one with access to it!
2) Prototype Your Invention
After you get the green light from your patent team, it is time to build a prototype of your invention. A prototype is the first physical example of what your product will look like when it's done. It serves as proof that you have come up with an actual design for this product and not just words on paper. Keep in mind that your prototype might not look exactly like the final product because you will need to adjust it after it's built. But, at least this way you will be able to see how the mechanics of your invention work and figure out what changes need to be made so it can function well.
3) Start Your Business
You're almost ready to put your product on the market, but you might need to consider creating a business plan first. A business plan is a document that outlines what your company's goals are and how it plans to achieve them. For example, if you already have an invention in mind, you will want to include information about where you are in the invention process, how you will produce your product, and what your marketing plan is. This document will be extremely important once you begin navigating through tough decisions like whether or not to pursue venture capital.
4) Start a Website
A website might seem unnecessary if your end goal is simply to sell one existing product, but it's actually a great idea to create a business website. Websites are cheap and easy to maintain, and they allow potential customers to learn more about your product and company before making a purchase. They also provide an online location where you can post updates about new products or designs that might be in the works - this is cheaper than printing brochures or flyers for every one of your inventions!
5) Figure Out Distribution
Once you have your product designed, start looking for distributors to make it available where customers can buy it. This might be a tricky process because certain distributors are only interested in specific types of products - so you need to do your research first. For example, if you are trying to sell an innovative toy that teaches kids about geometry, you may want to approach major toy stores like Toys 'R' Us, Wal-Mart, or Target. Some of the larger distributors are not as particular about what types of items they sell - this means that if your product is small enough to ship in large quantities, you might be able to find a general distributor right away!
6) Start Marketing
Now that you have a product to sell and a distribution scheme in place, it's time to start marketing! In order for sales of your product to grow, it will be necessary to create social media accounts on platforms like Facebook or Twitter. These sites will give you an easy way to connect with potential customers and keep them updated about your product and company. This can also spread the word about your invention and make it easier for people to find out more information!
One of the best ways to turn your invention into a product is by finding an attorney who specializes in patent law. From there, you can take care of all the steps needed in order to make it happen! This includes building a prototype and starting your own business. Consider creating a website or social media accounts for marketing purposes as well - this will help potential customers learn more about what you have to offer before they buy anything! We hope that these six things will help you to turn your invention into a product!